Unlimited two-level menus, with deep linking support
Deep linking means that you can link directly to any page of this template, so if you want someone to go to the web section of your portfolio or to the about page, just give them the direct url.
Customizable colors
All the colors are customizable, so you can make this template look exactly the way you want.
Add your own flash
This is a modular template, so you can add your own flash files. You can also use the given modules as many times as you want, so if you want 15 portfolios, you can have 15.
Backgrounds for each page
You can have a custom background for each page. But if you want to use only a background for the entire template, you can do that as well. The backgrounds don?t load once with the page, only to make this as lightweight as possible.
Background music
You can have a music track that will play continuosly, unless the user presses the mute button.
Html text page
You can have html pages, in which you can embed images or even swf content. You can change the colors of the html text, add hyperlinks, bullet lists, and more.. If your text is too long, there is a scrollbar which appears when needed.
News module
Display your recent news in this compact module. You can have unlimited news items, each news item with it?s own html page. You can add pictures or swf content and you can format the color of the text. You can also add hyperlinks, and if you want to use a lot of text, there is a scrollbar that appears whenever the text is too long.
A simple but effective module. Display a series of logos, or team members, or anything you want. Each image can have a link, or not..
This is actually my popular Slideshow with Ken Burns effect.You can use it as a slideshow, gallery, product viewer, or anything else. It runs smoothly and the highly customizable pan-zoom effect will catch the eyes of your users. You can also add html descriptions for each picture.
Portfolio viewer
With this portfolio viewer you can display images, swf files or videos. You can have unlimited projects and each project can be either a video or a photo one. In each project you can add unlimited photos/videos, that will be in a continuos slideshow. You also have html description for each project, so you can add links, details, and more..
Contact form
Lastly, the template comes with a useful contact form that you can use to let users contact you. The form also has a html area, where you can put your contact details, or something else.
Remember that you can use any of these modules as many times as you want, and if it?s not enough, you can always load your own swf files.
MiRRoR 2
digital camera,terms,definitions
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