Advantages to building a social networking site (script)
* Build your first site within only 5 minutes.
* You have complete control of the scripts, look, functionality and structure of your social networking site.
* The possibilities to develop your own unique functions are unlimited.
* You have the ownership rights to the scripts, solutions, and domains of your social site.
* You do not need to pay for the upkeep of servers.
* Make your social network site profitable while keeping your expenses low.
* With API, you can create a social networking site in any country of the world within just a few minutes.
Your site will have over 50 million registered users within the first minute, without any cost to you.
Create your social networking site within minutes
1. Register your domain name within the national domain of your country.
2. Register your project with API
3. Download sample scripts for a social networking site.
4. Unzip the files and upload 8 files to the root directory of your domain.
5. Edit the config.js files by stating your .url name and the project id you receive after registration. (
6. Edit the lang_en.js file which contains the project's language pack by translating it into your target language.
7. Your project is ready for use! Add other functions by editing the scripts of your site. sample scripts MiRRoR 1
MiRRoR 2 MiRRoR 3
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