Advantages to building a social networking site using API
* Build your first site within only 5 minutes.
* You have complete control of the scripts, look, functionality and structure of your social networking site.
* The possibilities to develop your own unique functions are unlimited.
* You have the ownership rights to the scripts, solutions, and domains of your social site.
* You do not need to pay for the upkeep of servers.
* Make your social network site profitable while keeping your expenses low.
Create your social networking site within minutes
* Register your domain name within the national domain of your country.
* Register your project with API.
* Download sample scripts for a social networking site.
* Unzip the files and upload 8 files to the root directory of your domain.
* Edit the config.js files by stating your .url name and the project id you receive after registration.
* Edit the lang_en.js file which contains the project's language pack by translating it into your target language.
* Your project is ready for use! Add other functions by editing the scripts of your site.
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