
Flash - Flipping Book v1.8

Where necessary, you may perform all the component settings from an external XML file that supports all the setting capacities of the development environment, for example, change page order or any other parameter ? just edit the XML file.

This is the world's only flash development that provides such a great page flipping animation control opportunity. You may define page flipping and return speed and the speed of the gotoPage function. You may set the autoflip to respond to mouse pointer located near a page edge. Or, you may disable any response to mouse clicks leaving only the autoflip working, and create any user interface on the page. Users will not be distracted from the page at every mouse click anymore.

The page flip is known to have high CPU resources requirements, therefore our component was initially designed to save CPU resources. On average, this component works 30% more efficiently than its known counterparts.

If you want to make a nice looking book with front and rear cover pages, you no longer need to create transparent pages: all you need is to control the Always Opened parameter.

In spite of its size, this component has the most powerful API. You may dynamically create component copies, control them during the work and trace, at the flash player level any component generated events. You may extend the component any way you want ? your only limit is now your own fantasy.

The component usability is so designed that even someone not familiar with its properties can make a full capacity movieclip with page flipping in just a few seconds. Believe us: having installed the component and prepared the images or animations for the pages you'll create your first movie with page flipping in less than a minute.

The component is delivered in the form of an MXP file so it will be installed on your computer automatically and become available on the components panel.

Premium pageflip component features: Basic features

* The simplest page adding procedure ever

* Simultaneous support of pages containing library symbols, external SWF files and JPEG images

* Page Preloader (you may edit it or disable as necessary)

* 2 page caching modes (full preloading and loading on demand)

* Support of Adobe Flash Player Versions 6, 7, 8, 9

* Possibility of component setting either from the IDE or with an external XML file

* Most powerful extension tools (component API)

* Optimal use of the CPU resources

* Small target file size (10 Kb)

Animation control

* Animation control (page flipping speed, shadows depth and background color)

* 2 imaging styles (with or without cover page support)

* First book page number control

* Fully controlled automatic page flipping (autoflip)

* Pages can be flipped with or without mouse clicking

* gotoPage function (any page)

* Support of any flipping sounds (through an external mp3 file or a sound library symbol)

* Preloader editing and disabling possibility

Additional features

* Efficient software caching (no reloading or page blinking when flipping ? nobody else can provide anything comparable)

* User friendly Live Preview

* Detailed documentation

* Intelligent usability (creation of a standard catalog takes 20-30 seconds)

* User friendly installer DOWNLOAD    


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