
Script for server to server transfer

Needed to transfer alot of files and my ISP sucks regarding upload speed.
So, i find this small PHP script, work like a charm for me.

Jazarsoft Server to Server Transfer 2
Version: 2.1
Last Update: 11/25/2003 11:38PM
Server to Server Transfer 2 or SST is a PHP class that can be used to move
a file from a server to another.
The moving process occurs by using HTTP protocol (by GET request), after the
data is requested, it will be saved in the local komputer. So to use the SST,
you have to install the script in the target computer where the file will be
The computer where this script will be installed, should meet this requirements:
1. Using Linux/Windows
2. Have PHP Interpreter version 4 or higher
3. PHP was set to allow Remote File Access
(setting "allow_url_fopen" = true)
1. Copy sst.php, downloader.php and script.inc.php to desired directory
2. Call sst.php using your browser.
1. The maximum size of file that will be moved is 5*1048576 (5MB)
(edit by Arbait - go to line 155 of downloader.php and edit maxsize=1048576*5)
2. SST 2 now works with "redirection" URL.
3. SST 2 now works with password protected URL.     MiRRoR 1
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