
Dle forum v2.4 Final Release

Dle forum v2.4 Final Release

Have been developed and implemented the following changes:

1. Added a list of moderators.

2. Added the ability to disable the meter messages of users in a particular section.

3. Added the ability to consolidate the first message.

4. Added definition of search bots.

5. Added auto-correction of errors related to incorrect performance statistics.

6. Now it's possible spoilers investing in each other.

7. Added creation of meta tags for view.

8. Refined and improved function of the moderator.

9. Optimized some queries to the database.

10. Improved search algorithm.

11. Improved compatibility with the configuration server magic quotes.

12. Rewritten module output last order to the site.

13. The verification system updates available in the AJAX.

14. Fixed all the previously declared and small errors in the script.

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