version 1.9 ( Updated: 4-04-2012 )
- Fixed Featured slider bug, when using one slide
* js/custom.js
- Improved shortcodes functionality ( now you can use ET Tabs inside of the ET Learn more block )
* epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js
* epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.css
version 1.8 ( Updated: 3-13-2012 )
- Added width and height attributes to images, small images stretch to fill the space now
* custom_functions.php
- Deleted Support Docs, replaced it with the link to site documentation
* epanel/options_feather.php
* includes/functions/installation.php
- Improved ePanel page select box functionality and compatibility with qTranslate and WPML plugins
* epanel/core_functions.php
* epanel/options_feather.php
- Shortcodes improvements
* epanel/shortcodes/shortcodes.css
* epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js
- Improved et_videolink compatibility with iPhone and iPad, you can use videos from these sites now:
* style.css
* page-template-portfolio.php
* epanel/page_templates/js/fancybox/jquery.fancybox--1.3.4.pack.js
- Added slider loading bar
* style.css
* js/custom.js
* images/ajax-loader.gif
version 1.7 ( Updated: 1-25-2012 )
- improved thumbnail resizing system ( epanel/custom_functions.php )
- fixed simple slider shortcode "slide" effect issue ( epanel/shortcodes/js/et_shortcodes_frontend.js )
- increased superfish menu delay ( js/custom.js )
- fixed ePanel documentation ( includes/installation.php )
version 1.6
- fixed etlink custom field not working with content area titles
modified files: home.php
version 1.5
- Updated thumbnail function to clear unused images
- Updated templates with improved coding structure
- Fixed sample data images bug
- Fixed featured slider bugs caused by new jQuery version
version 1.4
- Updated thumbnail function to better detect root folder. Thumbnails
must now be hosted within the same root folder as WordPress.
* epanel/custom_functions.php
version 1.3
- Removed timthumb due to known vulnerabilities
* deleted timthumb.php, cache and temp folders
* modified 'epanel/custom_functions.php', 'epanel/options_themename.php'
version 1.2
- fixed reversed description on homepage ( ) ( 'epanel/options_feather.php' )
- fixed epanel font family settings - settings didn't apply because of esc_attr() ( functions.php )
- fixed control panel validation issue ( js/et_control_panel.js )
- updated theme version ( style.css )
version 1.1
- Performed extensive performance and security enhancements.
* All files were updated.
Download Elegant Themes Feather version 1.9 ( Updated: 4-04-2012 ) Theme+PSD with high speed
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