
YJ Contact Us

YJ Contact Us

A new powerful and yet simple component contacts from YouJoomla! ? YJ Contact Us. The component easily allows you to create unique forms to send information through contacts, create form, etc. The component is very easy to use and administer, and easily through the admin panel russifitsiruetsya as admin of the component, and the front end of the + in the same configurable CSS shapes and designs.

Features YJ Contact Us:

* Creation of multiple forms of contact.
* Creation of multiple departments.
* Appointment of different e-mail addresses for each department.
* Support a good capture.
* Support for download.
* Appointment of a separate folder for each downloaded file.
* Full control over the CSS directly from the admin panel.
* XHTML and CSS validity.
* Creating a separate description for each department
* Automatic creation of menus directly inside Joomla, via component.
* Edit language file admin panel and frontend naryamuyu from admin Joomla!
* Standard SEF compatibility with Joomla!
* Support for Ajax
* And much more ?


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